You might have found the perfect house in the perfect neighbourhood, but don’t let the excitement cloud your judgement. There may be a few defects in and around the house that could cause serious problems in the future and cost you a lot in the long run.

The demand for rental properties in the UK is high nowadays. This is mostly due to higher house deposits, and tougher mortgage rules making it difficult for people to buy their own home. Because of this, an increasing number of first-time buyers, single professionals and many families are moving in rental properties.

Whether you are looking to rent out your perfectly located apartment or entering the buy-to-let market, you are in for a whirlwind of legal responsibilities.

If you are struggling to rent out your house and it is sitting lonely and unloved on the market, there is a reason for it. Either the rent you are asking is too high and / or the condition of the property is not attractive to potential tenants.

Are you considering renting out your property? That’s great news, but is your property ready to be rented out? Confused? Don’t be! You need to make sure that your property is clean, presentable, and appealing before potential tenants start visiting the property.

Finding a property for rent can be challenging! But you will be surprised to know that tenants are not the only ones facing the challenge, landlords face an equal problem in finding tenants.

Are you letting out a property for the first time? Or have you often faced a lot of problems while searching for a rental property? Well, in the current property market, letting out as well as finding a property can be a real challenge.

Being a landlord doesn’t have to result in fraught relationships, horror story rentals or unlimited amount of stress. Instead, being a landlord can be a hugely rewarding job and with a few steps in the right direction you can be on your way to a successful property let.

The property world can be confusing but once you get your head around the different policies and terms, it really doesn’t have to be. We’re always asked about the different tenancy agreements that are out there, so we’ve decided to explain things to make being in your dream home that little easier.

Being a landlord has many benefits, but the stress cannot be denied and often managing tenants can be a minefield. There are various things that can go wrong but with a little knowledge and preparation you can minimise the risk of these occurring.

Renting out a property isn’t as easy as most people think. After all, you’ve got to understand the responsibility involved and you are probably holding down a full-time job as well. However, if the correct preparation is done, letting a property can bring you many benefits.

Questions, Questions, Questions – we all have them but often they don’t get answered. Being a landlord is a huge responsibility and can be very stressful and confusing. There are probably hundreds of questions rushing around the landlordss head, so here we look at the most common questions a landlord wants to ask…