“Landlords are faced with a range of challenging regulatory changes and issues and our research suggests this is causing them a range of problems. In some cases, this is causing stress and anxiety, which is leading many to consider selling their properties.” Says Jamie Chaplin from Direct Line Business.

There are also plenty of them floating around in the property industry – assumptions made which some read online or hear by word of mouth and believe to be true. We’re here to bust those myths and misconceptions so you can avoid any costly mistakes going forward…

JACKSONS has been independently identified as one of the top estate agents in the country and now features in the Best Estate Agent Guide. Over 3 billion data points were analysed in the search for this year’s top performers – the biggest assessment of any industry.

Many of us take on jobs that we think that we can do, then we find that it wasn't as simple as we thought it would be. If you redecorate and mess it up, a decorator can put it right for you. If you try your hand at property management & get it wrong, it’s not that easy to fix and it could cost you thousands.

If you are still thinking about which agent you would like to appoint, we hope that this will help you decide. Listed below are some of the recent reviews which earnt Jacksons a place in the BEST ESTATE AGENCY GUIDE AWARDS. These are a selection of recent reviews from Landlords & tenants with differing scenarios.

Mark Jackson & I, Jacqui B are directors of Jacksons. WE personally wanted to thank you for inviting Jacksons to meet with you and discuss the expected rental return & services which we offer to our Landlords.

If you are already a landlord, you will know about the endless rules and regulations you have to abide by. If you are not yet a landlord but are thinking about becoming one, this article will help keep you on the right side of the law!

Many property searchers consider the bathroom as a key selling point when buying a property. If the bathroom is a bit naff, it can certainly put a buyer off. So, what will make your bathroom capture the attention of buyers and keep those offers coming in?

After a long cold winter, the early spring flowers are finally shooting up from the ground. But as gardens begin to 'spring' back to life, things can start to look a bit untidy.

Technology can make our lives easier, complete tasks for us, or even just make us smile. It's possible to get gadgets for all manner of things. even the most technophobic of us can figure out how to use Bluetooth. So, what technology is available inside the home that can make your life easier?

A Landlord has several different responsibilities when it comes to their tenants. A number of these responsibilities are put on a formal basis thanks to an ever-changing raft of legislation.

Are you considering renting out your property? That’s great news, but is your property ready to be rented out? Confused? Don’t be! You need to make sure that your property is clean, presentable, and appealing before potential tenants start visiting the property.