There doesn’t have to be a huge divide between tenant and landlord. Having a good relationship not only means you’ll have less stress and hassle, but it is also much easier than you think.

The dreaded property chain can cause chaos, tripping you up at the last minute. Here we take a look at the steps you can take to make things run more smoothly if you have to buy and sell at the same time.

My name is Jacqui B and I am a director of Jacksons. I personally wanted to thank you for registering with Jacksons. I would love to share our business ethos with you and tell you a little bit more about Jacksons and how we operate.

If you are thinking about CHANGING AGENT, we hope that this will help you decide. Listed below are some of the recent reviews which earnt Jacksons a place in the BEST ESTATE AGENCY GUIDE AWARDS. These are a selection of recent reviews from sellers and buyers with differing scenarios.

"You Can't Go Back & Change The Beginning, But You Can Start Where You Are & Change The Ending" If things haven’t worked out for you so far, lets take a look at what we can do to change that for you.

We live & operate in a world of data & images. For marketing property this is an incredible asset & offers a multi-faceted approach to your marketing details if it is done correctly. However, the details are only the first part of the story, without Good Old Fashioned Estate Agency Skills you may be relying on luck to sell your property.

The seller & the agent need to have a "Positive Buyer Mindset" from the moment that the property is available to market. A few hours at the start to focus on the correct presentation, collating guarantees & other important papers & having a fresh smelling uncluttered property will pay you dividends.

We still have so much to offer and would love to stay in touch. We may have the dream home that you have been looking for, we can offer the services of local solicitors & mortgage advisors and tips for getting the best return for your property. If things don't work out as you expect them too , we are only ever a call or a click away.

Have you ever missed out on the perfect home because you heard about it too late, or your Estate Agent didn't tell you about it as it was slightly outside of your registered criteria?

Are you in the early stages of planning to buy a property? Do you not know where to start? Follow these tips to simplify the process, remove the stress, and enjoy your search for a property.

When moving into a new property, it can feel like an Airbnb for the first few weeks. It's nice, and you chose it, so you obviously like the property, but it's just not yours yet. It takes a little time before it really feels like 'home'.

Every home has a front door-the way in and out. It's one of the first things visitors see. As they ring the doorbell or drive past, it's the first glimpse of what may be discovered inside and what secrets will be revealed as the door opens.