It's not until the final stages that everything pulls together when refurbishing a property.

Don’t be! It’s worked on algorithms & has no thought for individualisation.

From time to time we all wonder what the value of our property is. There are many different reasons for this, and your reason will be unique to you. Whether it's simple curiosity or you have a specific reason for selling a property, we have a plan to help you.

There are also plenty of them floating around in the property industry – assumptions made which some read online or hear by word of mouth and believe to be true. We’re here to bust those myths and misconceptions so you can avoid any costly mistakes going forward…

JACKSONS has been independently identified as one of the top estate agents in the country and now features in the Best Estate Agent Guide. Over 3 billion data points were analysed in the search for this year’s top performers – the biggest assessment of any industry.

Preparation is the key to getting the best result in most aspects of life. It is no different when you are selling property. Here are a few tips which will makes sure that your property is presented at its best ensuring that you will get the best price.

If you are still thinking about which agent you would like to appoint, we hope that this will help you decide. Listed below are some of the recent reviews which earnt Jacksons a place in the BEST ESTATE AGENCY GUIDE AWARDS. These are a selection of recent reviews from sellers and buyers with differing scenarios.

My name is Jacqui B and I am a director of Jacksons. I personally wanted to thank you for inviting Jacksons to meet with you and discuss property pricing, fees and the service that we offer.

Tenants move out of their current rental due to various reasons. As a landlord, some of these reasons are out of your control, while others can be managed. Here are five of the most common reasons why renters choose to move on, and how you can possibly prevent the loss of a good tenant…

Thinking of starting afresh with a beautiful recolour for a new year? Here is how we are embracing a richer colour palette during the colder months…

As a nation of sun lovers when winter strikes it can sometimes get us down but this winter, get creative and spend a little time and effort in keeping your outdoor space usable.

First time buyers are finding it harder than ever to get the money together to finance their first home. As a result, many are turning to the Bank of Mum and Dad. Here’s what you need to know about helping your child buy a house in 2022…