It's Not Just About Selling A Property; It's About Getting The Best Price, From The Best Buyer.

It's Not Just About Selling A Property; It's About Getting The Best Price, From The Best Buyer.

Preparation is the key to getting the best result in most aspects of life. It is no different when you are selling property. Here are a few tips which will makes sure that your property is presented at its best ensuring that you will get the best price.

1. Make sure everything is tidy with as much clutter stored away as possible. Buyers aren’t just viewing a home; they are getting a glimpse in to the lifestyle which they aspire to.

2. Make sure the property smells clean and fresh, toilet seats are down and candles/air fresheners or fresh flowers are in place. We use all of our senses when viewing a property. Making sure a home smells as good as it looks will pay dividends.

3. If you have an outdoor space, make sure that it is as well tended as it can be. A hanging basket, strategically placed plant and a welcome door mat can set the tone.

4. Make sure the ironing board, vacuum cleaner, and clothes airers are stored away and out of site. These items take up space and will create the impression of inadequate storage if left out.

5. Clear away as many personal effects as you can. It's fine to dress a space, however an overload of personal effects will distract the viewer’s attention. You want them to look at what the property offers not at what you have.

6. Make sure pets are out of the way. If you own a dog, it should ideally be walked whilst viewers look around. Not everyone likes pets, and some viewers may even be frightened or allergic to them. Litter trays should be emptied and pet cages as clean as possible.

Finally, if you need someone to give your home the once over, we can come and do that for you. When you live in a property you have it furnished and dressed in a way which suits you. It's our job to advise you on how to neutralise the property to appeal to the most buyers possible. The more buyers that you have to choose from the better the price that you will receive.

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